
Home > Products and Services > Smart Tender and Procurement Information Platform
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Vast amount of tender information is released by both government tender information platforms and the other tender information websites on daily basis. Users spend much time and efforts on extracting bit of useful information from huge amount of data.

RCC's Smart Tender and Procurement Information Platform is powered by RCC's extensive resources in the construction industry and mighty information processing capabilities, which ensures efficient information exchange among buyers and suppliers as well as the timely release of tender announcements of various products and services nationwide.

Our Platform has the following advantages:
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Users can search for information according to products and services categories and usage types precisely
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Researchers in RCC's 10 branch offices make contacts with thousands of developers, owners and main contractors every day, providing substantial amount of exclusive tender and procurement information to suppliers
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Users can make use of big data analysis function to view the historical records of tenderers and bidders, providing strong data support for bidding feasibility study
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RCC releases more than 30,000 tender and procurement announcements on daily basis, allowing users to have full coverage on tender information
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ICC, which is RCC's building material and equipment price information website, has over 3,000 famous developers and owners, many of them would actively submit tender and procurement announcement in the platform